Floor plan and repair tools around it.

Guide to Avoiding a Renovation Nightmare

The world of renovations can easily turn into a scary place if you don’t watch your step. To put it a bit less poetically, the chances of making a mistake that can result in the whole process spiraling out of control are pretty high if you aren’t careful. Here’s a guide to avoiding a renovation nightmare and to getting your home to become the best version of itself.

Do some research before you start

Before making any decision whatsoever, dedicate some of your time to doing some research on the subject matter. The internet is full of advice on what repairs are more urgent than others and whom to hire for them. Also, organize an inspection of your home to see what needs renovation the most. All the following steps require that you know exactly what it is that you want to refurbish or replace in your home. Therefore, make a list of necessary repairs and read about them online. That way, when you need to make a renovation-related decision, you will have some background knowledge that will help you.

Don’t do repairs yourself if you are a non-expert

Speaking of contractors, hiring them reduces the chances of messing up the whole project. Never forget that there are some serious issues your home could be dealing with that, if not addressed the right way, could become a very costly problem that will need urgent solving. Therefore, if you were thinking that doing repairs yourself would save you some money, you were wrong unless you are an expert in the field, which changes things. Just like doctors know what’s wrong with the patient by observing the symptoms and relying on their experience, professional contractors know how to treat the problems your home might be having. Therefore, it is best to rely on them instead of on your non-expert self.

Don’t let your budget slip off your mind

Wishes and reality are a pair that is usually torn apart by a nasty enemy called a budget. This is the situation you need to be aware of when you embark on the renovation journey. Now that you have defined what needs to be done and acquired some knowledge about how it can be done, you need a number you mustn’t exceed. The amount of money you dedicate to this project mustn’t financially impair your everyday life to a great extent. Put on paper all your monthly expenses first. If you are taking out a loan for this renovation, consider whether you live comfortably while repaying it. And don’t forget the other expenses you might have that have to do with your living status. For example, you need to calculate your moving expenses as well. So, when you think about your budget, try to include all the costs you are about to bear.

 A calculator on top of a loan payment calculation.

Be realistic about it all

It is perfectly natural to be dreaming about a perfect home, but don’t get stuck in those dreams. Being realistic will save you from many headaches. Unless you are a millionaire with a 7-digit number of dollars to spend, some things will be off-limits. Glass staircase is a wonderful and modern detail, but if it requires you to forget about vacations for the next five years, they’re just not worth it. An indoor swimming pool might be impossible to install, no matter how much your heart desires it. After all, if it hurts you to let go of some renovation tidbit, you can always think of it as postponing it. This is probably not the last time you will be doing renovations, so whatever gets left out this time will probably be done in the next round. 

Avoiding a renovation nightmare requires some thorough planning

You will need to develop all of the above in detail through thorough planning. Renovations are complex, and it is easy to forget something that can become both a technical and financial problem. If you are renovating to move into a new home, make sure you have fixed everything that needed fixing. There is a certain order when it comes to fixing activities, so they do not disturb each other. For example, if you are doing bathroom remodeling, you will need to do the plumbing first and the tiling later. Doing things vice versa requires that you break the tiles that were just installed. Therefore, as it goes for other projects of any kind, planning means a lot.

Carpentry tools arranged around a piece of paper and a yellow pen.

Sign a contract with your contractors

It was mentioned before that some work is best not to do on your own unless you are a professional in the field. There are plenty of companies that specialize in home repairs of all kinds that can do it much more reliably and ultimately add value to your home. But when dealing with them, it is very important that you conclude a contract. That will save you from misunderstandings in terms of payment and deadlines that very often occur when the relations are not regulated this way. Most of us are very specific about how much we can pay for the repairs and when we need them done. Contractors sometimes don’t pay much attention to that unless they have legally binding paper to remind them.

Two people signing a contract which is one of the pieces of advice for avoiding a renovation nightmare.

Bottom line

Avoiding a renovation nightmare is not such a difficult task, but it does require some commitment and in-depth thinking. All you need to do is make a plan, make sure you are well-informed about what you need to do and what options there are for you, and stick to your budget. Realistic expectations and a contract with the people doing the work around your home are elements of the journey toward a successful renovation that will help you stay on track and not lose sight of what is important. And that is the following: getting the home to be in top shape, not overspending, getting it all done on time, and, ultimately, being happy with your results.




