Do you pay taxes? Do you receive a monthly power bill?
We have the SOLUTION! SolarTek Solutions.
We turn sunshine into electricity on your roof.
Did you know that enough sunshine hits the earth every 15 minutes to supply all the worlds electric needs for a full year?
And with Federal and State energy credits you can turn your tax liability and your monthly power debt into an asset by owning your own solar power plant on your room.
A recent California study reviewing home that sold over the past 10 years show that home with solar sold 20% faster than home without solar and fetched a 17% higher asking price. Use your Federal Tax liability improve the resale value of your home.
Improve the environment. The average residential solar install is the equivalent of planting 100 trees per year.
Talk to us about how to get FREE energy for a year.
Watch a fun video about what solar can do for the environment:
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