Category: Articles

  • Granny Flats: Why Is Their Popularity on a Steady Increase?

    By definition, a granny flat is a segment of a house that serves as a self-contained accommodation for the elderly. Also known as an accessory dwelling unit (the official term), it is becoming more popular, stylish, and affordable than ever.

  • Improving your home to reduce costs

    It’s not always easy to envisage a whole new look for your home, but if you consider the cost of moving home – not to mention the upheaval of doing so – it can quickly become a worthwhile endeavour. Indeed, with a notable increase the number of home-owners remortgaging during 2017, it appears many home-owners…

  • 6 Ways to Turn Your Outdoor Space into a Comfortable Oasis

    Backyards are high-maintenance – there’s a whole lot of work to be done after you’ve got one. It is essential that you approach this as a DIY project, both in financial and personal terms (arranging the entire space will give it a personal touch). If you’ve decided that your outdoor space needs upgrading, here are…

  • Smart Home Construction: Fast Building Solutions

    Do you want your home building projects to draw out into a seemingly endless process? Surely, delays can occur as there are no guarantees that a development application will go smoothly through the council. Also, there is a possibility of rain while some trades may prove difficult to source or their availability is limited. Factors…

  • Home Building Uncovered: Hidden Costs

    So you have decided to build your first home, congratulations – you have taken a positive step towards a bright and happy future. While a new and exciting chapter is about to begin, you want to make sure you have all of the necessary details regarding your project carefully planned out in order to make…

  • Prolonging the Lifespan of Your Water Heater

    The water heater plays a pivotal role in most households. It is one of the most reliable appliances that endures plenty of daily usage and accounts for a significant portion of the monthly energy bills. Neglecting this appliance shortens its life expectancy, hampers its performance, and leads to energy inefficiency.

  • Tips on How to Avoid Mistakes When Buying Your First Home

    Purchasing your first home is daunting for all the obvious reasons – you will spend a good chunk of your life within its four walls so you are meant to choose a place that is definitely worth the price you’re paying. Therefore, the household has to be future-proof and you have to consider all the…

  • Painting High Walls and Ceilings: The Expert Know-How

    As a homeowner, you are lucky to snag a place with high walls and ceilings, as those types of homes feel spacious, inviting, open, and free – a perfect setting to raise a family and decorate to your liking. However, at some point, the walls and the ceiling will be up for a well-deserved, thorough…

  • How to Insulate your Doors and Windows on a Budget

    If your doors and windows are letting in cold air, you’ll be only too aware of the effects it can have on your home and your pocket. A draughty home is miserable, energy inefficient and expensive to run, but if funds are tight you don’t have to panic. Whilst new windows and doors would be…

  • Best Home Improvement Ideas for Your Home

    Now it’s so cold outside, chances are you’ve been spending a lot more time indoors than you do during the warmer months. So while you’re there, why not put the cold snap to some good use and start adding some value to your house? “It will give you something to do when the nights are…