Decorating a children’s room is an experience you will want to savor. There are very few times in our adult lives when we really get to be that free and creative, playing around with colors, shapes and scaling. But to make sure that the room doesn’t look like a messy toddler’s drawing, there are a few things to be considered and questions to be answered, so let’s take a look at them.
How to respect your child’s wishes
It is very important to take into consideration what your child wants their room to look like. It is their personal space and they deserve to have it looking the way they want. But children, especially those under the age of seven, tend to change their minds a lot. So, how do you fulfill their wishes when their wishes can change multiple times per day? There is one simple solution: the room decor should be as neutral as possible so that it can be transformed without too much work. For example, if they have multiple favorite characters or motifs, buy them several sets of bedding with those themes and every time you change them, ask them which one they want. For a more creative result, why not let them create their own bedding? Buy some white sheets and have some fun with them, letting your kid decorate and create a unique pattern that is just for them.
Think about the essentials and buy smart
If there is one thing that makes kids so different from adults, it’s how fast they grow. And before you finish paying off their crib, they already need a new bed. For parents, buying smart and thinking in advance is an absolute must. If you want to buy them a toddler-sized table, think really hard if that table will have any purpose in a few years. When the baby is born, instead of buying a changing table, buy a desk that they will be able to use when they get older. You can get really creative with reusing different items and sometimes just a fresh coat of paint on an old piece of furniture and some stickers from your kid’s favorite collection will give new life to that piece.
As far as the essentials go, there is one very important thing that kids should learn: everything should be put away and everything has its place in the house. In order to teach them that, there must be enough storage space to put away all of their toys, clothes and anything else they use on a daily basis. If you think boxes are boring, opt for some more interesting ideas, like hanging storage or shelving that displays their toys like works of art.
Make it unique
A child’s room is their first little world that they get to explore all on their own. Children are natural explorers and with their wild imagination and enough opportunities, they will learn so much within those four walls. You can buy a teepee and play explorers with them, pretending to camp and teaching them about different places in the world. Or you can buy them soft gym equipment and make different obstacle courses to run around in, giving them experience and confidence they will need in the real world.
Your child’s room is their entire world for a big part of their life and it is important that you let them express themselves within it however they would like. Don’t give in to each one of their wishes, but try and work with them to make their room as close to their dream room as possible. If they are sharing a room with a sibling, make sure both kids have enough space for themselves, but also some space where they can learn all the important lessons about sharing.
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