Summer Yard Preparations Start in Summer

If the spring is the time for a garden to blossom, summer is the time for it to shine. In order for your yard to achieve that summer shine, the spring needs to become cleaning time, too. It is said that a healthy summer lawn actually starts in the season of flowers and its early stage is the perfect moment to examine your landscape and do damage control!

Flower beds

Removing leaves, dead foliage and snow mold is the perfect place to start – if you don’t deal with this early on, you’re going to have trouble with everything else.
Furthermore, the mentioned can smother plants and also harbor diseases, which is definitely not something that will make your yard look fresh and healthy.
Come wintertime, putting a protective layer of mulch on your flower beds is an excellent choice, but once the spring comes knocking at the door, you should check these to see if the ground is thawing. Once you’ve made sure that the frost is gone, you can remove the mulch, so that your well-protected flowers can start growing!
Next, thin out crowded flower beds by means of transplanting perennials that are aligned too tightly and are too close to each other – use them to fill in bare spots. Pull up dead annuals, this will allow air, water and nutrients to circulate more efficiently, in addition to creating more space!
Now is the time to look for plants that may have heaved over – secure every single one back into the ground – even replant them with a shovel, if necessary!
Finally, add compost or a pelleted fertilizer to the flower beds – these will make your soil fruitful!

The lawn

You can rest assured that your lawn is hungry, especially after a winter-long hibernation! Firstly, it’s time to wake it up; this is done by applying a fertilizer, which reduces weeds, in addition to feeding the soil. Do this every two months throughout the season.
Now is the time to tackle the potential enemies of your lawn and crabgrass is the first. It tends to stem in late May, so you should apply a pre-emergent killer somewhere around May 1
st. Keep in mind that this greatly depends on where you and your yard live! Another thing that can compromise your lawn by allowing weeds to take over is soil compaction. You can test your grass for this by simply sticking a garden fork in the ground – a failure to penetrate two inches means that your soil is definitely too compacted – aeration is due!


Once you’re done with weed pulling and other similar activities, you should move on to waste removal. Keeping the torn weeds in your garden for too long is very risky – it takes no more than a single seed or two to cause an outbreak of weeds in your yard – they reproduce very quickly and require very little to survive. We recommend that you opt for quality rubbish removal in Sydney, as taking care of all the garbage at once is the cheapest and the quickest way to go. Do not wait for too long!

Necessary equipment

In order to make sure that your garden is as perfect as possible, you’re going to need more than a mere lawn mower. Here are some pieces of equipment that can help:

  • Hedge trimmers – Once you’re done with taking care of the lawn, focus on your shrubbery and hedges,
  • A chainsaw – This tool is capable of cutting everything from a tree branch to overgrowths!
  • A leaf blower – The best way to remove unwanted, dangerous and unsightly debris from your yard before mowing it!
  • A sprinkler system – You can always rely on Mother Nature to meet your garden’s water needs! But if you already have a sprinkler system, make sure to have regular sprinkler repairs and maintenance. 

Making sure that you take care of your flowerbeds, the lawn and yard cleaning in general with proper equipment during spring are the key points of making sure that your garden shines for the summer! If you find pests in your garden, call a pest control service such as mice pest control services to get rid of them and keep your produce safe.



