The Art of Choosing the Right Air Purifier for Your Home

Over the years, we have become increasingly aware of the risks associated with unhealthy food and drinks. More attention is being paid now to both the quality and quantity of food and water we take than ever. The importance of not leading a sedentary life is stressed in media, at schools and in everyday conversation between friends. You could rightfully conclude that we are doing more to help our health than before. Still, there’s a segment that often appears overlooked, but is possibly the most important. Yes, many people still take breathing for granted.

Even though our attitude towards air quality has also changed, there are reasons why perhaps we haven’t done as much about it as we have about the food we eat. While you can organize same meals to be eaten at the same time regardless of where you are, things are not that simple with the air you breathe. You may considerably improve or worsen the air quality just by opening a window, for example. So, if we, as individuals, can have very little immediate impact on the quality of air outside, is there at least something we can do for our homes?


maxroom8These devices are the answer to most health concerns related to the indoor air quality. They come in all sizes and shapes, at various prices and are installed pretty easily and quickly. So, how do you know which one to choose among those you can afford? That’s not an easy task, to be honest. There are several factors that influence your decision once you’ve established what price range you’re looking at.

What is your concern?

Most people choose to buy an air purifier because someone in their family suffers from pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, COPD or allergies. If that’s the case with you as well, you’d better look for one of quality HEPA air purifiers, since they come with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, which remove 99.97% of particles the size of 0.3 µm. If you’re not really clear about what that means, have a look at this chart.

A downside of such purifiers is that the filter has to be replaced, usually once a year, but there are now devices with washable HEPA filters, so you might want to check them out.


Make sure you buy a device which is appropriate for the size of the room where you want to install it. This is crucial if you want your air purifier to do the job properly. Also, think about the size of the unit itself and where you might place it to maximize the effect.

Service indicator

ERIK-M17-PLUS190-6Most modern purifiers come with this option, telling you when’s the time to replace a filter or for a routine maintenance check. By following the manufacturer’s instructions, you are actually extending the life of the device, thus saving yourself some money.

What you also need to understand, though, is that just by splashing out on a top-of-the-range purifier you are not guaranteed the cleanest possible air. There are some things you need to do or avoid to do in order to get the most out of your air purifier. Namely, you still have to vacuum the home (preferably using a vacuum-cleaner with a HEPA filter), use exhaust fans in laundries, kitchen and bathroom and ban smoking inside the house. Also, you’d better maintain your air-conditioning equipment and regularly clean and replace filters. You may contact an air conditioning repair and maintenance specialist for professional hvac repair services if you need assistance. Hiring a professional air conditioning repair and maintenance specialist at least twice a year will guarantee your hvac unit’s efficiency.

Finally, try not to overuse your fireplace or candles and keep all chemicals and pesticides as far from your living space as possible, particularly the kitchen and bedrooms.

As you can see, it’s not a very complicated matter, though there are some things we have to be aware of. Luckily, air-purifiers are getting more and more efficient and affordable and you can’t put a price on the benefits they bring.


